Planet Name: NEPTUNE
Chakra: Coccyx
Color: Orange
Astrologique Association: Pisces
Overall Meaning: Neptune rules over logic and the importance of balance or the flow of life. When in retrograde, logic falls to the wayside. People gain an increased interest in intuition or esoteric matters. Dreams and psychic abilities find new followers, as people beginning to analyze their inner natures. New outlets of communications come to the surface as artistic abilities get expressed. Neptune is also the ruler over bacteria, viruses and the immune system. To do treatment or to vaccinate at this period is best. When Neptune is running on main position in your birth chart you must come over drug abuse, alcohol, smoke and other wrong habit. It makes your life brighter, God of the Sea.
Key word: Mystical, illusive, transcendental, inspiring, visionary, compassionate, sacrificial, E.S.P., psychic and cosmic awareness, and spiritualism.
Basic Function: To dissolve outdated patterns and attachments in order to make room for growth. Neptune points out false projections and illusions, allowing us to reclaim our lost power, helps us access the potential for intuition, inspiration, and artistic creativity. Associated largely with artists and visionaries, Neptune agitates and animates the creative process - the sense of divine brilliance flowing through us, Mysticism imparts sense of unity, Creativity, Bliss, intuition, the unconsciousness and enhances the dream experience. It is related to the antique God of the Sea.
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